Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Dayglow's Biggest Fan

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Does anyone else feel the effects of the full moon that is approaching? Maybe it is just how my stars are aligned at the moment. I am wanting something revolutionary to happen, as I always do, but this time it is different. I can smell it, taste it, and its almost tangeable. The feeling of my sweet reward. I don't eat wrong and I excersize 4 times per week. I practice positive thoughts, balance, and stability. I do not do this solely for the rewards, those are built in... but I practice these things for my own mental health. It is very easy for any 21 year old to fall of the cliff and start on a mental decline... I see it every day.

Ben is the little boy in the picture at top. He is eight years old and his is my first cousin, my only first cousin at that. He is so adorable. He loves Dayglow, hockey, and his pets. Anyway... his first concert was Dayglow, and his first crush was Liz.. :)

Now for a survey:

What I have done so far this summer:

Have you..

gotten drunk?
Yes but only once for about 5 mins.

kissed anyone?
Yes I believe so

been on a vacation to a different state?
Not yet.. but I'm going to CT on Friday

been on a vacation to a different country?
NO, not this summer

been to the beach?
NOT in the past few months.. which upsets Liz greatly ..but I did go to Miami this past spring.

been to the boardwalk?

snuck out?
Of my own apartment???

had a sleepover?
Sure, there are always sleepovers at my house

stayed up all night?
Yeah a few times.

slept in someone elses bed?
Hmm. no I dont think so

went in a pool?
Yes... this I have done

..without a bathing suit?
No sorry

been on the computer alot?
This thing more than anything else

played video games?
Yes... MLB basebal, and basketball games on Playstation

listened to an ipod/mp3 player?
Yes, daily

been on over 30 car rides?
Of course

Who is/are...

the person you hung out with the most this summer?
Liz and Anthony are the people I hang out with Daily without choice haha.

the people you met this summer?
Hmm... Viveca, 3Elements people, People on the N7th


have you been the most?
Breakdown/Studio, My apt, Brooklyn

Did u get your bathing suit?
Target :)

do you want to be?
In another country....

do you go when you hit the beach?
Whever the people arent

do you usually swim?
Same as last question


Favorite ice cream this summer?
Tasti Delite!

Best day so far this summer?
Probably the day I started the Lemonade Diet.

Biggest regret so far this summer?
Not going to Canade with my family.

Favorite song this summer?
Lily Allen- Everything is wonderful

Favorite summer movie?
Pirates of the Carribbean 2

Is this the best summer you have had yet?
Not even close

Are you looking forward to school starting?
I suppose I am ready for a change in atmosphere ... yes

What grade will you be going into?
Well I guess it would be 14 1/2....right??

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